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Top Ten Win Tennis

Hello i’m Dr Byron bucky phillips Your tennis pro. The topic for today’s video is 10 reasons you can
win in the great game of tennis. Number one have a pro. Everybody needs a good pro who can
teach the techniques, the strategy and the mental part of the game. 2nd one needs to eat well.
You need to eat a healthy diet. You need to learn your body and not overeat three hours before an
important tennis match. Third, weight control One must make sure his or her weight doesn’t get out of control and
adversely affect your movement on the court. Fourth reason you win, strengthened flex flexibility. You have to be
strong you have to be flexible and do those work off the court. You need a reliable serve. Especially
a second serve with spin that finds its way into the box. Need to have a steady baseline game.
You need to hit the ball high deep and cross court and keep from making needless errors. You need a
net game. At the net you can pressure your opponent. Plus in today’s game your opponents will drop shot
and bring you in whether you want to be at the net or not. You need a strong mental game
. You need a good pro who can teach you visualization so that you do quality work away from the court
. You need a strong backhand, either an effective one hand backhand or a strong two hand backhand. Finally
, one needs a lob and an overhead. There are times when an effective player will be on the net
and one must lob over his or her head. And when you’re at the net And your effective with your
Volley you’re going to have to hit an overhead to win the point. So those are the 10 things you
can do To win in the Great Game of Tennis. Subsequent videos will tell you the 10 things that will
cause you to lose. Thank You